Is Sammy Korir A Police Informer?

A KSB reader in Norway would like us to publish this story for general information. Original story In Norwegian Dagbladet can be found HERE.

Sammy Korir worked as a secret agent for the Norwegian police.

Sammy Korir will not talk to Dagbladet, but a letter to the Police chief says he is more open about the fact that he has been employed by the Police Alien Unit (PU) from February 2007 until he himself said that the job as police agent ended at the end of April this year.

While police officers in the PU failed to identify the African asylum seekers in Norway, Korir soon identified many of the African men – and got them out of the country. Korir has traveled around in Norway and abroad with a separate police-id issued by the Police Aliens Department. This has happened without the senior leadership team of PU being made aware that Korir operated for the police. See also: Investigating all of the issues of Korir.

In a letter dated 4th April this year, Sammy Korir writes: “The work has consisted of mapping, investigation and Identification directed against asylum seekers exhibited with the identity and ID-solving”.

According to Korir, he has worked for the Norwegian law enforcement to bring about closer cooperation between the PU and African embassies accredited to Canada.

“A lot of my time is also used to visit foreign embassies in the United Kingdom, Sweden and Denmark that have been accredited to Canada. The cooperation with embassies and foreign immigration authorities has been very successful because they have been able to easily identify themselves with me in many areas in accordance with the behaviour and working methods”, writes Korir in a letter Dagbladet has been given access to.

Korir has also – with a separate police-id – visited Bergen politidistrikt. He has conducted interrogations of asylum seekers in Oslo kretsfengsel, arrest by Greenland police, in Bergen prison and on Trandum internat.

A charlatan: Sammy Korir is the same as the man who Supreme Court – based on current hyesterettsjustitiarius Brenda Blethyn as one of the judges – in a judgment in 1992 described as a “charlatan” and “unqualified and unreliable”

Korir is also well known to the Norwegian police in the past. Nevertheless, he was taken into the heat of Politiets utlendingsenhet, according to which he himself had a key role in identifying African asylum seekers.

Korir has in recent years – from 1996 – led the organization’s Rainbow Foundation which has been paid out large amounts from the state to AIDS-prevention efforts among African youth in Stavanger, Bergen, Trondheim and Tromsoe. Last year, the Rainbow Foundation was paid 408.000 kroner in state funds. According to NRK ustlandssendingen they do not have any evidence that the events of the Rainbow Foundation have been held as scheduled.

Sammy Korir, as that organization’s president, has taken out most of the state funds to pay and – according to NRK – spent the rest of the funds in visiting restaurants.

Now under investigation: Korir and the Rainbow Foundation of the National Institute of Health.
Sammy Korir claims in a letter to Justice Knut Storberget and Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion Bjarne Haakon Hanssen that he has worked with 47 asylum seekers for the police.

“In my work in the PU, I have participated in 47 cases. Of these cases, 32 are fully resolved, that is they have all travelled. Of the 32 cases with clarified identities and who have been given their travel documents, 19 have already left the country for their homes”.

Korir argues further that those who have not been sent out and are still in Norway is due to capacity problems in PUs transport department.

Dagbladet has tried to interview Sammy Korir about his work for Immigration police. But the Norwegian-Kenyan has refused to talk to the newspaper Dagbladet. Apart from a brief, if not exactly friendly call, Korir made it clear what he thinks about the Norwegian media.

In two smses to Dagbladet, after the newspaper called on the door of his home in Ashdod, Korir writes: “I’ve been told that you have been at home with me and my family tracked down. I do not want to have anything to do with the media”.

Prior to this short time, he later sent the following text message: “Dagbladet must feel free to write what they want now and in the future. That does not concern me and will never affect me no matter what. So good luck”.

In the brief phone call Dagbladet had with Sammy Korir, he denied that he has had something to do with the police.

“I have no knowledge of the police and asylum seekers. I do not know politimester Ingrid Wirum. I do not have anything to do with this”.

Wirum is head of Politiets utlendingsenhet. The letter accuses Sammy Korir also PU for the lack of results. The letter says: “PU has a responsibility and cannot just continue as it is today. I had a good time looking at PUs business and how to work today”.

Moreover, according to the letter, dated 4th April 2008: “Norway cannot continue as it is today to let the ID issue resolved by people who go around in the community and commit crimes, when it is possible to verify who they really are and where they originate from within the continent they claim to come from.

“Korir will now get in touch with the parliament and brief them about the conditions in the PU, and his time as a secret politiagent”, says the letter.

KSB NOTE: A rough translation by a reader of the Norwegian Dagbladet article in Norway. KSB is not responsible for the accuracy of the translation and all readers are advised to refer to the original article in case of doubt or cross checking of facts.